1983 • 0h 29m
An exploration on Paz's poetry by Paz himself, his childhood, his ideas about love and the nature of art
Say My Name
My Love Awaits Me By the Sea
How the Moon Conquered Pop
Bhutan: Following in the Footsteps of Matthieu Ricard
Up from Zero
Assaltaram a Gramática
American Journal
Women, Maasai and rangers - The lionesses of Kenya
War of the Worlds
Treno di parole, viaggio nella poesia di Raffaello Baldini
Yooper Creoles: Finnish Music in Michigan's Copper Country
Cannabis : Une enquête de Mathieu Kassovitz et Antoine Robin
Francisco Massiani
The Antidote
...a slovo Básňou sa stalo
Clarissa & the King's Cookbook
Soul Food Junkies
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(Re)Claiming Indian Status