2012 • 0h 47m
The BBC looks at our current weather and climate compared to the climate of our past to see if it really is changing...which it is and they explain science behind it
Alsek – ledová řeka
The Scorpion's Tale
Brehy mojej rieky
The World's Biggest Cave
The Sanctuary: Survival Stories of the Alps
One Word
Královna českých řek
Looking for the Wild
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
Levende Rivier
New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands
Lord Howe Island: Pacific Eden
Detecting Danger: Africa's Giant Rats
Grizzly Man
New Zealand 3D: The Forgotten Paradise
Die Moldau - Der goldene Fluss
March of the Penguins
Seasons of the Otter
An Inconvenient Truth
Purple Mountains