1989 • 1h 13m
A video by doctor John Hubbard discussing the origin, characteristics, and applications of the Mandelbrot set and other iterative sets.
Life and Death in A Pond
There's No Business Like No Business
Room Zero
Rock Odyssey: A Rocks & Minerals Revue
Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
Elevado 3.5
The Standard Deviants: The Dangerous World of Pre-Calculus, Part 2
Botanist Francis Hallé Explains...
Another Side of the Forest
My Milkman, Joe
The Veluwe
Továreň na Dunaji
What do we know about light?
Decision for Chemistry
The Four Elements
Great Pyramid K 2019
High-Impact Hand Safety
Is Genesis History?
Hail to the Breadsticks!