1981 • 0h 25m
An event organised by CND pits the bomb against poetry. Hear artists who hoped that words and rhymes could put an end to destructive times.
The Enclave
Los Niños Héroes de Chapultepec
The White Helmets
Fahrenheit 9/11
PQ17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster
My Love Awaits Me By the Sea
How the Moon Conquered Pop
The Lady in the Book - Sylvia Plath, portraits
Borges: A Life in Poetry
Nach dem Sturm
Catalan Poets
Camilo: The Long Road to Disobedience
The Voyage of Bashô
Dead Gay Men and Living Lesbians
The Fog of War
Khawla's Goal
Le verbe incendié
The Wind
Song of the Flies