2002 • 0h 49m
Biographical look at Stanton Friedman, who for the past 40 years has been the world's foremost investigator and lecturer on the UFO phenomenon, and who broke the Roswell story in 1978.
Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Unlocked
UFO Diaries
The Real 'X-Files'?
Roswell: 70 Years Later
Flying Saucers Are Real
Recollections of Roswell
Roswell: Mysteries Decoded
The Roswell Incident
Hothouse Flowers: Stick Around and Laugh a While
The Beach Boys
Ramses ja unet
On a infiltré les Bergers éclairés !
Dr. Hrabal
Last Yugoslav Dokumenta
BACKSEAT LE FILM : 2023, L'année où tout s'est embrasé
Roman's Childhood
Nuclear Forever