1981 • 1h 12m
Mt. Kilimanjaro – it’s here that World Hang Gliding Champions Bill Moyes and his son Steve defy freezing temperatures and lack of oxygen to break the World Descent Record by flying their hang gliders from the 3 mile-high peak.
Der lange Weg ans Licht
Kilimandscharo - diesmal mit Krücken
Darwin's Nightmare
A Little Fish in Deep Water
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos
The Secret Life of Hippos
Kilimanjaro: The Bigger Red Nose Climb
Jane's Journey
První celostátní plachtařské závody
Seize the Summit
The Lessons of Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro: Mountain of Greatness
White Black Boy
Tanzania Transit
Flying Between Giants
Kilimanjaro: Going For Broke
Black Samurai