1973 • 0h 23m
Alan Watts discusses the Western dichotomy of work and play, and explains that when you take the play out of work life becomes joyless drudgery.
Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl
Behind the Doors of Umberto Eco
The Altruism Revolution
American Hardcore
The Spectre of Marxism
Michel Foucault: Knowledge and Power at SOAS and beyond
Le besoin de croyance et le besoin de vérité
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema
A Trip To Amsterdam
Examined Life
Philip K Dick: A Day in the Afterlife
LSD: The Beyond Within
The Unanswered Question I : Musical Phonology
In the same boat
Finding Joseph I: The HR from Bad Brains Documentary
This Is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium Is The Massage
The Assembly
Humans and Other Animals
Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience