1982 • 1h 26m
A disturbing collection of 1940s and 1950s United States government-issued propaganda films designed to reassure Americans that the atomic bomb was not a threat to their safety.
The Codes of Gender
The Distant Drummer: A Movable Scene
Den Norske Motstand
Cheshire Territorials at Abergaveny
Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse
The Silent Village
A Hero's Death
The World's Biggest Bomb Revealed
Lions for Lambs
Terror Studios
Third Eye Spies
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Charlie Wilson's War
Land Without Bread
Railway Station
The Good Shepherd
DJ Punk: The Photographer Daniel Josefsohn
Der neue Kalte Krieg – Mehr Atomwaffen für Europa?
World Order
Iran: The Hundred Year War