1975 • 1h 43m
An indictment of the protagonists in the Cypriot civil war.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - From Revolutionary to Statesman.
The Third World
A Whistle comes from far away
Haymatloz - Exil in der Türkei
Nature Amazing Places Hawaii
The Making of Agatha Christie's 'Evil Under the Sun'
Evaporating Borders
21st Century Âshikizm Art Movement
My Life as a Turkey
Thomas Pesquet : Objectif France
It Started with Trees – Revolt in the Gezi Park
Daraya: A Library Under Bombs
Leaving California: The Untold Story
12 Mart: Colonel
September 12: From Cyprus to Frontline
12 September: "What Days Bring That Day..."
12 September: The Massacres Begin
12 September: On the Brink of the Abyss
12 September: Footsteps of Coup