1986 • 1h 16m
A young woman who is prone to romantic dreams involving her supervisor time-travels from 1986 to 2001 and becomes involved with a private investigator who is working on a divorce case and is having his own marital difficulties.
Zetsukin gyaru: Yaruki munmun
Molester's School Infirmary
Rabu gēmu: Wa owaranai
Sannen-me no Uwaki
Big Bad Mama-San: Dekotora 1
Molester's Delivery Service
Marital War in Kibogaoka
Female Gym Coach: Jump and Straddle
Nurse Diary: Beast Afternoon
Beautiful Mystery
Rasuto kyabaree
Homocula likes white blood, aim for the eyes
0105 Is the Man's Number
That's Hentaitainment! Ijo Sex Daizenshu
Groper Train: Beware of Miniskirts
Lady Momoko's Adventure
Decotora Gal 3: Sena
Sexual Drive
Painful Bliss: Final Twist
The Adventure of Magical Michiko