2006 • 1h 30m
A travel documentary essay, interspersed with specially composed songs, about the early life and legacy of Chin Peng, exiled leader of the banned Communist Party of Malaya.
Flys and Angels
Rachel Carson
Cuando la sombra de la duda se cruza en el camino (1935-1939)
Tiempos de guerra (1940-1944)
Humanidad, hasta donde nos vas a llevar (1945-1949)
Perdón... investidura (1950-1954)
Y vino el remolino (1910-1914)
The American Sector
Alexander the Great: The Macedonian
Olympus vacuum
Demirkırat: Bir Demokrasinin Doğuşu
Hitler's Mountain: Hidden Traces
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
Feminists: What Were They Thinking?
Julius Caesar Revealed
Rock in Rio 30 Anos
Leon Trotsky: A Personality in the 20th Century
Trotsky: Rise and Fall of a Revolutionary
How the Monuments Came Down