1987 • 0h 31m
The film directed by V. Starošas tells about Angkor, a huge complex of temples, palaces, water reservoirs and canals in Cambodia, built in the jungle in the 9th-13th centuries.
Paper Cannot Wrap Up Embers
Narratives of Modern Genocide
S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine
À la Poursuite des Pilleurs de Temples
Bomb Hunters
Inside the Khmer Rouge
John Baumhackl: Chemical Memories
okay bye-bye
Side by Side
Rain Falls from Earth: Surviving Cambodia's Darkest Hour
Defending Brother No.2
Journey Into Buddhism: Prajna Earth
Angkor - Ein Urwaldgeheimnis in Kambodscha
Wonders of the Monsoon
The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor
Golden Slumbers
Angkor Rediscovered
Kampuchea inför kriget