2023 • 1h 39m
Intimately following 1st and 6th graders at a public elementary school in Tokyo, we observe kids learning the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society.
A City Decides
Le Japon, l'empereur et l'armée
New Hope
Human Not Human
History on the Run: The Media and the '79 Election
Shinto: Nature, Gods, and Man in Japan
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Land Without Bread
American Journal
One Book at a Time
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
Two Years, Four Months and One Day
Maasai Daughters
De Platoschool
Confessions of a Male Stripper
Bhutan: Following in the Footsteps of Matthieu Ricard
KANASHII YOKAN: The Life and Legacy of Yukiko Okada
The Miracle Worker
Women, Maasai and rangers - The lionesses of Kenya
Darwin's Nightmare