1976 • 0h 14m
Is it the outrageous claims? Or just the bad acting? This early media literacy film helps kids understand that that ads are trying to, well, sell them something. Kitschy good and super tasty, it's lipsmackin' fun!
Hassles and Hangups
More Dangerous Than Dynamite
Gangs: Turning the Corner
Defense Against Invasion
Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line
Health for the Americas: Planning for Good Eating
The Grain That Built a Hemisphere
Health for the Americas: The Unseen Enemy
The Winged Scourge
Safe Crossing: An EGG-cellent Idea!
The Story of Menstruation
Health for the Americas: Cleanliness Brings Health
Women in Industry
The Good Housewife in Her Kitchen
Emergency First Aid Series: Accidental Poisoning
Where Does It Get You?
Fry It Safe
Focus on LSD
Death Zones